Capacity, or: The Work of Crackling is a large-scale, outdoor, yet immersive performance work created by Kinesis Project dance theatre, Opera on Tap and AntiSocial Music with the research and collaboration of geoscientist, Dr. Martha (Missy) Cary-Eppes.
In this excerpt created for Snug Harbor Dance Festival - dancers, in floating fabric costumes by Rebecca Kanach - appear to audiences along Shinbone Alley in every space visible as they traverse along walls, dance in hidden hallways and along grassy hillsides. This performance spans from mesmerizing dancing to the simple invitation to take a walk together.
The performance will take place in Shinbone Alley just behind the Newhouse Center for Art and Performance.
PERFORMING: Sabrina Canas, Madeline Hoak, Yolette Yellow-Duke, Abigail Linnemeyer