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Bridge Matter/The Reach: An Installation of Care and interwoven performance

  • Fort Washington Park The Little Red Lighthouse, Fort Washington Park NY NY (map)

September 22, 3pm - We’ve rescheduled our rained out show! Join us for the Installation of Care and stay for the performance at 5pm.

Kinesis Project offers an afternoon of events in Fort Washington Park, a gorgeous space that includes the George Washington Bridge and The Little Red Lighthouse.

Our newest large-scale dance work: Bridge Matter/The Reach begins directly following the community installation.

MORE ABOUT THE DAY On Sunday we are co-creating a large-scale, Installation of Care and offering Bridge Matter/The Reach at 5pm

A dance of echos, listening, how we bridge the cracks between us and the company's extraordinary ability to bring new life into an environment.

This new work, placed in a historic NYC location, is a moment to be shared with our friends old and new, leading audiences along pathways, waterways and bridge views with gorgeous dancing and the live music of Grammy and Obie Award winning musician, Johnny Butler. 

Bridge Matter/The Reach is a second collaboration with the research of geoscientist Dr. Missy Eppes and her colleagues, studying how our shifting climate is affecting even the bedrock of our earth.

You can SIGN UP to be a part of the live installation:

Community Installation of Care

  • On Sept 22, Kinesis Project and Summer on the Hudson present a development performance of Bridge Matter/The Reach, a large-scale dance performance of science, care and echos.

    Bridge Matter/The Reach is the second in Kinesis Project’s series focusing on parallels found in how the Earth and humans, crack. By using research and theories of geoscientists and collaborator, Dr. Missy Eppes and her colleague Dr. Stephen Laubach. Bridge Matter… investigates occurrences of rock ‘healing’ during and after subcritical fracture, when the internal minerals of a rock take new form and reach across the divide to reconnect the sides.

    Riker and dancers are researching how we as individuals and communities also have access to “bridge minerals” - ways of healing to reach across divides - from echos, to gestures of care, to listening. Kinesis Project has been creating this new work with company members in NYC and Seattle, across the country, and in close proximity.

    Bringing this timely conversation forward, Riker proposes a place and time that anyone can volunteer to co-create a large-scale community installation with her and Kinesis Project.

    On Sept 22, the installation of care will meet along the water's edge beginning at 3pm, and invites community members to register, choose a time (and color scheme) and join in.

    Everyone shows care differently it could be brushing hair, reading, holding hands and it can change - these are simple, low-impact gestures that you do every day. NO DANCE EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED.

    The colors are the palette of a sunset and are connected to your time slot choice. As time passes over the installation and individuals and pairs are guided in and out, the over-all visual experience of the installation will shift in color.

    We will send arrival directions by email
    - AT THE EVENT: We will have team members present to sign you in, guide you into the installation and guide you out when your time has completed.

    - Bridge Matter/The Reach has been created through conversations of how we reach across divides. With a central question of “How do you show care?”

    - It seems only natural for us to invite others to take part in this conversation.

    - Our Installation of Care is an invitation to everyone to take part in what will be a powerful, visually stunning and calming moment

    - Choose a 15 or 30 minute time slot

    - Bring someone or someones and spend that time being present with one another, doing something that represents care to you, along the shoreline of the Hudson.

    - Your time in the installation will be 15 or 30 minutes, but we suggest putting aside an hour or more, for the time it takes to get to and from the location, and the time you may want to spend enjoying the park, the view and the installation and then the performance at 6pm

    - We dance in light rain.

    - We will be in contact about the weather and will take everyone's safety into account.

  • We are excited to be joining forces with Movement of the People Dance Company to bring more wise, kind talented individuals into this experience to facilitate, guide and offer any help.